Homesteading supply list: a list for new homesteaders

Wondering what items you need to start a homestead? I’m sharing a homesteading supply list in this post. Perfect for new homesteaders!

Homesteading supply list: a list for new homesteaders

Starting a homestead from scratch can feel extremely overwhelming, especially if you’re a new homesteader. Since starting our little farm, we’ve compiled a homesteading supply list to always have on hand. Whether it’s simply setting up your homesteading or preparing for unexpected emergencies, this list for new homesteaders will have you covered.

Food supplies

Food supplies are probably one of the most important items on my homesteading supply list. If you’re a new homesteader, then it’s a good idea to invest in the below items:

Housing Supplies

If you’re a new homesteader, then setting up housing can be overwhelming. We have the following homesteading supply list items available at all times:

First Aid Kit

If you’re a new homesteader, then you probably have no idea what items you need in a First Aid Kit. The list below is nowhere near exhaustive, but includes the items that we have either used or have on hand in case of any emergency. You can never be too prepared, so always have these items on the homesteading supply list.

If your goats will be kidding, then be sure to have the following homesteading supply list items available as well:


Depending on the type of livestock you raise, they may be prone to mineral and other nutritional deficiencies. If you’re a new homesteader and planning to raise goats and/or ducks, then considered including the following items on your homesteading supply list.