Gifts kids can make (DIY garden gifts from kids!)

Looking for some last minute holiday gifts kids can make? I’m sharing my favorite DIY garden inspired gifts from kids in this post. These gifts are simple, affordable, and a perfect way to involve your little ones in gift giving.

Gifts kids can make

Ever since having kids, I’ve been wanting to establish family holiday traditions. It’s easy to get swept up in the consumer aspect of the holidays, but I want our littles ones to remember that Christmas isn’t just about receiving, but also giving. And sometimes the perfect gifts aren’t the ones that are bought, but they’re the ones that are created with a little extra love, aren’t they? There are so many gifts kids can make during the holiday season!

I love the idea of creating gifts that are not only creative, but also functional. Which leads me to easy ideas for gifts kids can make. The below DIY garden inspired gifts are the perfect way to involve little ones in the spirit of gift giving during the holidays (or any time or the year!) Parents and grandparents will love these homemade gifts from kids. Plus, kids will have a blast making them.

What you’ll need: gifts kids can make

Planters (For reference, I purchased the 6.3″ standard pot and 6.1″ cylinder pot from Hobby Lobby, but I cannot find a link. The below Amazon options are slightly smaller. Choose size based on your preference.)


Brushes + Paint

Gifts kids can make: TIPS

Seeing as these planters were Christmas gifts, I wanted the base of the pot to be white rather than clay colored. I didn’t have time to wait for an Amazon delivery, so I chose to purchase the clay colored pots at Hobby Lobby and Ben paint them white the night before the kids painted. If I planned better, then it would have been easier to purchase a white pot option, but it still worked out fine!

Also, don’t forget to purchase paint that works well with your planter of choice. I prefer the Folk Art acrylic paint because it’s nontoxic, but you still need to be super careful with kiddos! The paint can potentially stain, so be sure to cover surfaces and dress your kids in appropriate clothing. We also decided to seal the kids’ paint with this clear spray paint!

Lastly, if your little one is too young to paint while sitting independently in a chair, then check out this Learning Tower!

Optional Add Ons

If you want to continue with the DIY garden gifts from kids theme, then consider the optional add ons below.

Not interested in gifts kids can make? Check out these holiday gift guide posts instead!